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Input DatePicker and TimeInput required prop not working #1561

Closed mariansimecek closed 2 years ago

mariansimecek commented 2 years ago

What package has an issue


Describe the bug

Hi, this code not working as expected

  <DatePicker required />
  <TimeInput required />

In form block it isn't catch empty inputs and doesn't throw any error.

In which browser did the problem occur

Chrome, Firefox

If possible, please include a link to a codesandbox with the reproduced problem

Do you know how to fix the issue


Are you willing to participate in fixing this issue and create a pull request with the fix


Possible fix

I think problem is with combination readonly and required attributes. When I remove readonly it is working. image

coding-manuel commented 2 years ago

readonly and required cannot work together as it's generally assumed that they will already hold some value.

A Janky way to fix it would be to do <DatePicker readonly={false} sx={{ caretColor: "transparent" }} /> but you can have occasional letters in the input which is not the expected behavior.

My proposal for the change would be to

  1. Remove the readonly attribute from the DatePickerBase
  2. Add an else-if to catch any character inputs and neglect them in the handleKeyDown method.

Attaching what I could achieve by doing the above steps:

rtivital commented 2 years ago

It's not really a good idea to remove readonly from the input – it will allow users to use free input when they are not supposed to

coding-manuel commented 2 years ago

Yes, that is why we need to catch any kind of free input and ignore them, which we do in the else if block.

In my implementation, the user is not able to type anything until the allowFreeInput is enabled.

rtivital commented 2 years ago

I've tried to fix the issue, but it seems not to be possible without very nasty hacks. I suppose DatePicker, TimeInput and several other inputs just do not support native browser validation.