mantisbt-plugins / Snippets

Define snippets of text that can be easily pasted into text fields
MIT License
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Apache error `client denied by server configuration` #40

Closed vboctor closed 6 years ago

vboctor commented 6 years ago

This following error shows up in /var/log/apache/errors.log when there are no defined Snippets for user or globally. In such case, the error is generated and the Snippets dropdown is visible with one entry --. The expected behavior should be to not show the Snippets dropdown and not generate an error.

[Tue  May 01 00:54:21.066773 2018] [authz_core:error] [pid 20615] [client] AH01630: client denied by server configuration:  /.../www/plugins/Snippets/data,  referer: https://mantisbt/view.php?id=761
dregad commented 6 years ago

I am not able to reproduce this, despite having deleted all snippets from the system.

It is unlikely that the AH01630 error would be caused by the lack of defined snippets for the current user, this is usually triggered by Apache / .htaccess configuration.

Please provide detailed steps to reproduce.

dregad commented 6 years ago

The expected behavior should be to not show the Snippets dropdown and not generate an error.

This was supposed to have been fixed in #24, but it would appear that it has not. I have opened #41 to track that.

dregad commented 6 years ago

As mentioned before, the Apache error is not triggered by the plugin AFAICT. The other issue has been fixed in v2.2.5, so I don't see any reason not to close this. Feel free to reopen with additional info if the problem persists.

TomR commented 4 years ago

From logging:

[Thu Mar 19 22:30:13.212322 2020] [authz_core:error] [pid 62105:tid 140042374379264] [client] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /home/customer/domains/, referer:

It seems there is referred to a subdirectory data. When i create a empty folder data the error in apache logging dissapear

dregad commented 4 years ago

It seems there is referred to a subdirectory data

@TomR It's not an actual subdirectory, it's a REST API endpoint as defined in the plugin's routes method. The client-side path should be

I still don't have steps to reproduce...

TomR commented 1 year ago

I guess it is due to .htaccess in plugings directory. After commenting #Require all denied the error dissapear.