Source control integration plugin framework for MantisBT, including support for Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket, Gitea, Gitweb, Cgit, Subversion, Mercurial and more
When both a GitHub and a GitLab repo are defined in the same instance, and a GitHub webhook triggers a checkin operation, GitLab's precommit() attempts to process the GitHub payload.
Since that does not have the _projectid key, PHP throws
SYSTEM WARNING: 'Undefined array key "project_id"' in '/' line 215
When both a GitHub and a GitLab repo are defined in the same instance, and a GitHub webhook triggers a checkin operation, GitLab's precommit() attempts to process the GitHub payload.
Since that does not have the _projectid key, PHP throws SYSTEM WARNING: 'Undefined array key "project_id"' in '/' line 215