If you try to register a service like this, you can see that you cannot deregister it using the command "consul-cli service deregister redis1", but you can deregister it with the new command that I added.
curl -X PUT -d @test http://localhost:8500/v1/catalog/register
echo "This shows the service was registered"
consul-cli catalog service redis
echo "Try to deregister the service, and it does not work"
consul-cli service deregister redis1
consul-cli catalog service redis
echo "Use the catalog deregister command, and the service is gone"
~/git/godev/src/github.com/CiscoCloud/consul-cli/consul-cli catalog deregister redis1 foobar
consul-cli catalog service redis
If you try to register a service like this, you can see that you cannot deregister it using the command "consul-cli service deregister redis1", but you can deregister it with the new command that I added.