mantl / mesos-consul

Mesos to Consul bridge for service discovery
Apache License 2.0
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Fix bit rot in mesos-go API and Consul dependencies #113

Open gfv opened 7 years ago

gfv commented 7 years ago

mesos-go has moved to a different API, but were kind enough to leave the old one in place, so I've monkey-patched this issue. Consul API requires Go >=1.7 to build, but Alpine 3.1 had Go 1.3.3; I've updated Dockerfile to point towards Alpine 3.5 with Go 1.7.3. A certain kernel bug in overlayfs does not allow removing a file created in another layer (cf. docker/docker#27214). Added a workaround for that.

ChrisAubuchon commented 7 years ago

This resolves the same issue that does but does it in a different way. Either method works.

ChrisAubuchon commented 7 years ago

glide.yaml will have to be updated to fix the build issues.

Theaxiom commented 7 years ago

112 was merged in which accomplishes the same thing, we may be able to just close this out.