mantl / mesos-consul

Mesos to Consul bridge for service discovery
Apache License 2.0
338 stars 95 forks source link

can't compile under ubuntu #12

Closed rncry closed 9 years ago

rncry commented 9 years ago

Attempting to compile under ubuntu (to fix the search domain 'feature' or alpine linux) fails with the following error:

root@81ada8270ab0:/go/src/ go get
mesos/zkdetect/client.go:253: undefined: zk.StateSyncConnected

Dockerfile used:

FROM ubuntu:14.04

MAINTAINER Chris Aubuchon <>

COPY . /go/src/

RUN apt-get update -y
RUN apt-get install -y golang git mercurial
#RUN cd /go/src/ \
#   && export GOPATH=/go \
#   && go get \
#   && go build -o /bin/mesos-consul \
#   && rm -rf /go \
#   && apt-get remove golang git

ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/mesos-consul" ]
ChrisAubuchon commented 9 years ago
