mantl / mesos-consul

Mesos to Consul bridge for service discovery
Apache License 2.0
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mesos-consul doesn't de-register inactive services after restart #15

Closed ryane closed 8 years ago

ryane commented 9 years ago

When mesos-consul starts up, it does not know about any of the services it may have previously registered. This can result in orphaned, seemingly duplicate services in consul. mesos-consul needs a way to identify services that it had previously registered so that it can properly deregister them if they are no longer active.

stevendborrelli commented 8 years ago

Any thoughts about using a consul TTL for each service? That way consul can prune services that are not updated.

Maybe set the TTL to X times the refresh cycle, and mesos-consul just re-registers every time.

[edit] It looks like the service ttl is just to mark it as critical, not to deregister it:

There is an issue to have true TTL's, like etcd:

ryane commented 8 years ago

For now, though, @ChrisAubuchon has already addressed this particular issue starting with commit