mantl / mesos-consul

Mesos to Consul bridge for service discovery
Apache License 2.0
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mesos-consul can't detect all services/containers #23

Closed dharmit closed 8 years ago

dharmit commented 8 years ago

I am running consul servers through progrium/consul Docker image on all three of my mesos-master nodes. When I start mesos-consul, it can register the mesos service but cannot register any of the containers started using Marathon. All I see on the Consul UI is consul and mesos services.

dharmit commented 8 years ago

Also, I have quite a few non-container services running in the environment. They do show up in the Mesos master UI. But don't show in the Consul UI. I assume this is because mesos-consul doesn't detect them? Let me know what details might be needed from my side.

ChrisAubuchon commented 8 years ago

Is the consul container running on the Mesos slave nodes as well? Because of how Consul registers services, there has to be a consul agent running on each node. (The agents running on the slave nodes can be clients. They don't have to be servers.)

dharmit commented 8 years ago

@ChrisAubuchon Thanks Chris. For some reason the containers weren't starting. Opened issue too soon instead of troubleshooting. :disappointed:

Thanks for your help.