mantl / mesos-consul

Mesos to Consul bridge for service discovery
Apache License 2.0
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Failed to Connect to #81

Closed bellrav closed 8 years ago

bellrav commented 8 years ago

Hello Chris,

I am trying to run mesos-consul docker image using following command:

docker run -e "--zk=zk://myip:2181/mesos" -t ciscocloud/mesos-consul

docker instances is trying to connect to instead of myip:2181. I wonder if i am passing zk parameter in the right way(i tried zk=zk://myip:2181/mesos which didnt work either). please let me know if anything need to be updated.


ChrisAubuchon commented 8 years ago

Is myip a host name or is it the actual IP?

bellrav commented 8 years ago

its an actual IP of my AWS server which hosts mesos, marathon and zookeeper

ChrisAubuchon commented 8 years ago

The command line should be: docker run -t ciscocloud/mesos-consul --zk=zk://myip:2181/mesos The -e option to docker sets an environment variable which the container doesn't know anything about,

bellrav commented 8 years ago

Ah my bad, i passed zookeeper details as environment variable instead of a parameter. it worked now

Thanks for quick response :)