mantle2048 / CS285-2020Fall-Homework

CS285-2020Fall homework implemented by PyTorch
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No Images in tensorboard #1

Open hanshublyh opened 3 months ago

hanshublyh commented 3 months ago

Thanks a lot for your sharing about CS285 HW.

Hi, I am now learning the CS285, a problem in hw1 that has troubled me for a few days is that there is no Image or video in tensorboard. There are only scalars. So I want to seek your help.

My experiment OS is WSL Ubuntu 20.04.

Here is the training output:

********** Iteration 5 ************

Collecting data to be used for training...

Collecting train rollouts to be used for saving videos...

Relabelling collected observations with labels from an expert policy...

Training agent using sampled data from replay buffer...

Beginning logging procedure...

Collecting data for eval...

Collecting video rollouts eval

Saving train rollouts as videos...
(200, 500, 500, 3)
moviepy is installed, but can't import moviepy.editor. Some packages could be missing [imageio, requests]
(200, 500, 500, 3)
moviepy is installed, but can't import moviepy.editor. Some packages could be missing [imageio, requests]
Eval_AverageReturn : 884.2060546875
Eval_StdReturn : 28.252456665039062
Eval_MaxReturn : 924.7601318359375
Eval_MinReturn : 839.6171875
Eval_AverageEpLen : 200.0
Train_AverageReturn : 888.7913208007812
Train_StdReturn : 41.47791290283203
Train_MaxReturn : 929.3177490234375
Train_MinReturn : 809.203369140625
Train_AverageEpLen : 200.0
Train_EnvstepsSoFar : 5000
TimeSinceStart : 48.56352353096008
Training Loss : 0.0005672366241924465
Initial_DataCollection_AverageReturn : 4713.6533203125
Done logging...

It seems that there is no error? Only Can't import moviepy.editor. But the packages imageio and requests are in my conda env.

I don' know why I cannot see the videos, the hw1 may not be very difficult but some problems like this really annoy me a lot. Thanks a lot for you attention and help.

hanshublyh commented 3 months ago

I wonder if you have met such a problem before or if you have any idea about that. Thanks a lot for your help!

mantle2048 commented 3 months ago

Hi, sorry for late reply. I haven't been involved in reinforcement learning research for quite some time.

Based on the error message alone, I suspect it might be because you installed the latest version of moviepy, and moviepy.editor might have been moved to a different location in the latest version.

hanshublyh commented 3 months ago

Thanks for your reply!

I changed the moviepy into a lower version, but sadly there is still no video in the tensorboard. And it seems that there is also no good solution for the problem on the Internet. Today I ran the experiment on Colab, and the configuration for 20Fall's hw has some errors, but the 23Fall hw's output is right. So I decide to finish all the hw on Colab. Homework frst and coding environment second hhh.

All in all, thanks again.