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Full archive mainnet node from snapshot working but not syncing new blocks? #1380

Closed Aracki closed 9 months ago

Aracki commented 9 months ago

I've been following docs on how to run mainnet node.

All the params were set like said in the docs. After I've extracted the snapshot, I can get the latest block which is 21,954,328, but new blocks are not coming in.

Initial logs:

node-mantle-1 node-mantle INFO [11-23|15:46:28.848] Maximum peer count                       ETH=50 LES=0 total=50
node-mantle-1 node-mantle INFO [11-23|15:46:28.848] Smartcard socket not found, disabling    err="stat /run/pcscd/pcscd.comm: no such file or directory"
node-mantle-1 node-mantle TRACE[11-23|15:46:28.849] Started watching keystore folder         path=/db/keystore
node-mantle-1 node-mantle DEBUG[11-23|15:46:28.851] FS scan times                            list=1.329148ms set=1.653µs diff=1.985µs
node-mantle-1 node-mantle INFO [11-23|15:46:28.859] Starting peer-to-peer node               instance=Geth/v1.9.10-stable/linux-amd64/go1.19
node-mantle-1 node-mantle INFO [11-23|15:46:28.859] Allocated trie memory caches             clean=2.00GiB dirty=0.00B
node-mantle-1 node-mantle INFO [11-23|15:46:28.859] Allocated cache and file handles         database=/db/geth/chaindata cache=2.00GiB handles=524288
node-mantle-1 node-mantle DEBUG[11-23|15:46:32.964] Chain freezer table opened               database=/db/geth/chaindata/ancient table=headers items=21864328 size=884.85MiB
node-mantle-1 node-mantle DEBUG[11-23|15:46:32.966] Chain freezer table opened               database=/db/geth/chaindata/ancient table=hashes  items=21864328 size=667.25MiB
node-mantle-1 node-mantle DEBUG[11-23|15:46:32.967] Chain freezer table opened               database=/db/geth/chaindata/ancient table=bodies  items=21864328 size=1.67GiB
node-mantle-1 node-mantle DEBUG[11-23|15:46:32.969] Chain freezer table opened               database=/db/geth/chaindata/ancient table=receipts items=21864328 size=1.79GiB
node-mantle-1 node-mantle DEBUG[11-23|15:46:32.970] Chain freezer table opened               database=/db/geth/chaindata/ancient table=diffs    items=21864328 size=96.23MiB
node-mantle-1 node-mantle INFO [11-23|15:46:32.970] Opened ancient database                  database=/db/geth/chaindata/ancient
node-mantle-1 node-mantle DEBUG[11-23|15:46:32.989] Ancient blocks frozen already            number=21954328 hash=3359eb…d271d0 frozen=21864328
node-mantle-1 node-mantle INFO [11-23|15:46:33.006] Initialised chain configuration          config="{ChainID: 5000 Homestead: 0 DAO: <nil> DAOSupport: false EIP150: 0 EIP155: 0 EIP158: 0 Byzantium: 0 Constantinople: 0 Petersburg: 0 Istanbul: 0, Muir Glacier: 0, Berlin: 0,UpdateGasLimitBlock:clique,EigenDaBlock:%!v(MISSING), Engine: %!v(MISSING)}"
node-mantle-1 node-mantle INFO [11-23|15:46:33.019] Initialising Ethereum protocol           versions="[64 63]" network=5000 dbversion=7
node-mantle-1 node-mantle INFO [11-23|15:46:33.032] Loaded most recent local header          number=21954328 hash=3359eb…d271d0 td=43908657 age=4d9h57m
node-mantle-1 node-mantle INFO [11-23|15:46:33.032] Loaded most recent local full block      number=21954328 hash=3359eb…d271d0 td=43908657 age=4d9h57m
node-mantle-1 node-mantle INFO [11-23|15:46:33.032] Loaded most recent local fast block      number=21954328 hash=3359eb…d271d0 td=43908657 age=4d9h57m
node-mantle-1 node-mantle TRACE[11-23|15:46:33.071] Loaded voting snapshot from disk         number=21953536 hash=c32f8d…8d064a
node-mantle-1 node-mantle DEBUG[11-23|15:46:33.219] Reinjecting stale transactions           count=0
node-mantle-1 node-mantle INFO [11-23|15:46:33.219] Loaded local transaction journal         transactions=0 dropped=0
node-mantle-1 node-mantle INFO [11-23|15:46:33.219] Regenerated local transaction journal    transactions=0 accounts=0
node-mantle-1 node-mantle INFO [11-23|15:46:33.220] Running in verifier mode                 sync-backend=l2
node-mantle-1 node-mantle INFO [11-23|15:46:33.220] Configured rollup client                 url= chain-id=5000 ctc-deploy-height=8
node-mantle-1 node-mantle INFO [11-23|15:46:35.315] Connected to upstream service
node-mantle-1 node-mantle INFO [11-23|15:46:35.536] Found latest index                       index=21954327
node-mantle-1 node-mantle INFO [11-23|15:46:35.537] Found latest queue index                 queue-index=31517
node-mantle-1 node-mantle INFO [11-23|15:46:35.745] Found correct staring queue index        queue-index=31517
node-mantle-1 node-mantle INFO [11-23|15:46:35.746] Initialized Latest L1 Info               blocknumber=18603810 timestamp=1700372941
node-mantle-1 node-mantle INFO [11-23|15:46:35.754] Initial Rollup State                     state=0xa0040ca915f5b03fc48fc6fc5c5bbb4ef0157d9c5d0e671d75eed76d134416bf index=21954327 queue-index=31517 verified-index=<nil>

but after it opened http/ws endpoints, it just prints "Served" logs without any information about peers or network itself.

node-mantle-1 node-mantle DEBUG[11-23|15:51:48.133] Served eth_blockNumber                   conn= reqid=4   t=52.83µs
node-mantle-1 node-mantle DEBUG[11-23|15:51:49.132] Served eth_blockNumber                   conn= reqid=4   t=50.914µs
node-mantle-1 node-mantle DEBUG[11-23|15:51:49.230] Served eth_gasPrice                      conn= reqid=437 t=53.596µs
node-mantle-1 node-mantle DEBUG[11-23|15:51:49.230] Served net_peerCount                     conn= reqid=435 t=61.013µs
node-mantle-1 node-mantle DEBUG[11-23|15:51:49.230] Served eth_blockNumber                   conn= reqid=436 t=33.214µs
node-mantle-1 node-mantle DEBUG[11-23|15:51:49.230] Served eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber conn= reqid=439 t=39.331µs
node-mantle-1 node-mantle DEBUG[11-23|15:51:49.231] Served eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber conn= reqid=440 t=29.811µs
node-mantle-1 node-mantle DEBUG[11-23|15:51:49.231] Served eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber conn= reqid=438 t=53.297µs
node-mantle-1 node-mantle DEBUG[11-23|15:51:49.231] Served eth_hashrate                      conn= reqid=441 t=25.03µs
node-mantle-1 node-mantle DEBUG[11-23|15:51:50.134] Served eth_blockNumber                   conn= reqid=4   t=48.902µs
node-mantle-1 node-mantle DEBUG[11-23|15:51:51.127] Served eth_blockNumber                   conn= reqid=4   t=48.804µs
node-mantle-1 node-mantle DEBUG[11-23|15:51:52.136] Served eth_blockNumber                   conn= reqid=4   t=45.765µs

Apart from "Served" logs I can see only:

node-mantle-1 node-mantle DEBUG[11-28|12:36:41.803] Ancient blocks frozen already            number=21954328 hash=3359eb…d271d0 frozen=21864328
INFO [11-28|11:47:37.368] Regenerated local transaction journal    transactions=0 accounts=0
TRACE[11-28|12:17:38.389] Refreshing port mapping                  proto=tcp extport=30303 intport=30303 interface="UPnP or NAT-PMP"
DEBUG[11-28|12:17:38.389] Couldn't add port mapping                proto=tcp extport=30303 intport=30303 interface="UPnP or NAT-PMP" err="no UPnP or NAT-PMP router discovered"

Node configuration


together with:

            - name: ETH1_HTTP
              value: "ws://node-ethereum-mainnet:8545"
            - name: ETH1_CONFIRMATION_DEPTH
              value: "0"
            - name: ROLLUP_STATE_DUMP_PATH
              value: ""
            - name: ROLLUP_ENABLE_L2_GAS_POLLING
              value: "true"
            - name: RETRIES
              value: "60"
            - name: CHAIN_ID
              value: "5000"
            - name: USING_BVM
              value: "true"
Aracki commented 9 months ago

cc @BlueShells

guoshijiang commented 9 months ago

I think you should check your env config. The first error I see is 'Couldn't add port mapping', This one maybe is your port config errorr. And another issure is ctcdeploymentheight config, you use 8 as your config value. For this config I think you should use our ctc contracts deploy ethereum block height.

Aracki commented 9 months ago

We made it by setting following:

The biggest issue is that we had to wait 2h everytime for testing new flag combination after "Initializing initial BVM Context" log line.