mantycore / chant

p2p anonymous chan/chat thing. In very early prototype state
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Tags Block is poorly recognizable in the Node Prototype #47

Open 0x1a1a1a opened 4 years ago

0x1a1a1a commented 4 years ago



Could we reduce number of tags to one-two now, so it would be easier to navigate for newcomers?


What elements could Tags Block consists of?

What tags are currently available and what their purpose?

What fonts could be used for Tags Block?

System fonts, as they would be mostly accessible:

font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Ubuntu, sans-serif;

Where wireframe of Tags Block is located?

In Figma (mobile first).

0x1a1a1a commented 4 years ago

@mantycore Can't assign myself, can't add project and labels.

mantycore commented 4 years ago

Currently channels (internally known as tags) are defined just by their content - posts declaring that are they belong to that channel. Potentially post can belong to more than one channel. Currently channels have no attributes other than name. While a post belongs to its author (so author can edit or revoke it), a channel belong to no one. Potentially the first post in channel can be seen as its metadata, but this leads to channels' metadata being owned by the first person to post there.

Current channels are: /~/ pseudo-channel containing all posts in the network. /d/ is general discussion channel - sort of "home channel". /dev/ is (software) development channel, primarily for the development of chant itself. /test/ is for testing purposes. /fig/ is for picture threads, mostly for testing purposes, too. Purpose of /u/ is unknown.

0x1a1a1a commented 4 years ago

@mantycore Thank you, I've renamed everything channel-related to "tags" as there are no goals currently to redefine entities, but to define them. Also, I've added to the ticket description you provided.

To clarify more, could you please tell:

  1. Who created current tags?
  2. Who could edit current tags?
  3. Who could delete current tags?
  4. How to create new tags?
  5. How to add a tag to a post?
  6. How to change a tag in a post already published?
  7. How to remove a tag from a post already published?
  8. How many tags there could be created?
  9. Could we reduce number of tags to one now, so it would be easier to navigate and keep everything in the one place?
0x1a1a1a commented 4 years ago

Also, added test tag, I've somehow missed it.

mantycore commented 4 years ago

1) There are two perspective on tags currently: either they are immutable and invisibly preexisting, or they are created when the first post belonging to tag is created. In the second sense, current tags are created when the first posts belonging to them was created, by various users.

2) Since tags are immutable, they can't be edited. Even the name of a tag cannot be changed (to do so, it would be necessary to replace each post belonging to a tag).

3) Again, it is not possible to delete a tag. If each post belonging to a tag is revoked, tag becomes empty/ceases to exists (in the second meaning of (1))

4) The only way to create a new post in currently empty/nonexistent tag currently is to navigate to and write a post.

5-7) The protocol potentially allows to edit (add, delete, change) tags of a post already published, but currently there are no UI for that.

8) Potentially unlimited.

9) There are options. E. g. it is possible to hardcode semantics for some tags into UI so they are considered more important, "root", and/or have special UI behaviour for them (as I plan to do with /id/ tag).

0x1a1a1a commented 4 years ago


  1. So, currently the second scenario is valid, right? We could stick to it for now, I suppose (in order to define, not to redefine).

  2. šŸ‘Œ

  3. But in case all posts with a tag are revoked, will a tag disappear from Tags Block?

  4. Okay, but we should find more obvious way in next iterations to create a new tag.

5, 6, 7. Okay, so it should be also managed in next iterations.

  1. So there should be a separate screen with all tags (it would really hurt if there will be a list with 30+ tags on the main screen).

  2. Got it, so we will not reduce them physically (by deletion) but rather by sorting and list shrinking to top N tags.

0x1a1a1a commented 4 years ago

@mantycore Ping! šŸ™‚