manubb / Leaflet.PixiOverlay

Bring Pixi.js power to Leaflet maps
MIT License
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PixiOverlay use a lot of GPU #20

Closed Mennter closed 5 years ago

Mennter commented 5 years ago

Hi, I have a problem with PixiOverlay. When I ran this example, my GPU goes 0% to 90%. I'm running this example in Chorme 71.0.3578.98. Thank you and i look forward to you answer

manubb commented 5 years ago

Hi. Can you tell me how you are measuring the GPU load? (So that i can reproduce your problem.)

Mennter commented 5 years ago

With task manager for Windows 10

manubb commented 5 years ago

I do not have any W10 computer to test on. Can you compare the GPU load with some pixi demos: ? For example:

And maybe the bunny demo with 1000 bunnies: ?

Can you also report the GPU load on the animated-markers demo when setting the browser window size to 800x600? (I'm expecting animated-markers to use twice GPU resources compared to 1000 bunnies demo.)

Can you also tell me if the problem occurs in other browsers? Thanks for your help.

Mennter commented 5 years ago

This are my numbers. Browser | GPU Chorme | 15% Opera | 10% Mozilla | 20% Edge | 10% Explorer| 20%


Browser | GPU Chorme | 20% Opera | 10% Mozilla | 23% Edge | 15% Explorer| 33%


Browser | GPU Chorme | 65% Opera | 5% Mozilla | Doesn't work Edge | 55% Explorer| Doesn't work

Bunnys 1000 (master)

If I set 800x600 the results are the same but I tryed with 410x214 and the GPU process low to 23% in Chrome

manubb commented 5 years ago

Thanks for you report. Considering that the GPU load is 65% on the bunny demo with 1000 items, i do not see any specific problem with Leaflet.PixiOverlay and i'm going to close the issue. Consider reporting a bug on the pixi repo if you think there is a pixi problem here.