manubb / Leaflet.PixiOverlay

Bring Pixi.js power to Leaflet maps
MIT License
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animated origin-destination #30

Closed eviltik closed 5 years ago

eviltik commented 5 years ago

Not an issue, more a call for help

First, @manubb, thank you for this leaflet overlay, really

@manubb (tu descends ? :D ), @community

Looking for ways to start/suggestions/code inspiration - skeleton/strategies, to do something like

  1. First challenge : put an (animated - but in a second step perhaps) circle (any shape in fact) at point A (origin), and let a transparent png at this latLng after circle animation done (like
  2. Second challenge: animate a Bezier curve to go point B (animation duration for bezier curve and circle/point A can be the same)
  3. Third challenge: animate point B when bezier curve start to hit point B

Any help is welcome and i'm ready to write a post and share it if i reach this goal

Thank you everybody

eviltik commented 5 years ago

I don't know pixijs, i'm RTFM actually. My first goal is have a piece of code handling an animated curve between 2 points with Leaflet.PixiOverlay

eviltik commented 5 years ago

Closing this. I switched to raw canvas because pixi don't provide what i want.