manubb / Leaflet.PixiOverlay

Bring Pixi.js power to Leaflet maps
MIT License
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Elements on PixiOverlay flickers during panning in iOS #47

Open dnasir opened 4 years ago

dnasir commented 4 years ago

First off, thanks for this plugin. It's awesome. Secondly, I'm not sure if this is the right place to file this issue, and I apologise in advance if it's not.

I'm currently working on a Vue mapping app that handles large numbers of markers that are updated in real-time. I've incorporated the PixiOverlay into a Vue component so that it can react to data changes, and update individual markers accordingly.

The problem is, I'm experiencing some flickering while panning in Safari on iOS devices, and only on iOS devices. Safari on the Mac does not display this behaviour, and neither do any other browser on non-iOS devices, for that matter.

Chrome and Firefox use the Webkit engine on iOS (because Apple), so it didn't make any difference testing with either one. This led me to believe that it's an issue with Webkit browsers, but I'm not sure what the problem is, or how I can fix it.

Here's a short screen recording demonstrating the issue:

You can test it out yourself at

Any help is appreciated.

majid-saeed commented 3 years ago

nice visualization. have you solved the problem? I am having issues combining vue and pixioverlay.

dnasir commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately no.

manubb commented 1 year ago

The issue has been reported in the webkit bugzilla a very long time ago (see here) and it can be mitigated with the doubleBuffering option.

I have a test page for this. I'd be interested to know if it's still a concern today.

Can some iOS device owners report if the flickering occurs on their device ? (Do not forget to mention the iOS version and the device details.)