manubb / Leaflet.PixiOverlay

Bring Pixi.js power to Leaflet maps
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Panning map on mobile changes position of PixiOverlay. #71

Open mitow7821 opened 2 years ago

mitow7821 commented 2 years ago

I've found that panning map moves PixiOverlay from its original position. This problem occurs when chrome "Desktop site" is enabled.

Device info:

Here is an example (from official demo):

Original position can be found there: image

manubb commented 2 years ago

I cannot reproduce the problem on my Redmi Note 5 with Android 9 and Chrome 96.0.4664.92 Can you report here if the problem still occur after a Chrome update on your phone?

mitow7821 commented 2 years ago

After Chrome update problem still exist. Remember to enable "Desktop site" mode while trying to reproduce.

SiimTulev commented 3 months ago

I am having the same problem. Even with "Desktop site" on phone. I can't reproduce this on PC.