manucorporat / linter-verilog

Atom linter for Verilog, using icarus verilog.
MIT License
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Linter showing error always at line 1 and col 1 #1

Closed matheusericsm closed 8 years ago

matheusericsm commented 8 years ago

Linter shows the error always in col 1 and lin 1, in a file G (sometimes C) that does not even exist. When I click on the error, it creates the file ( an empty file G with nothing in it). The same linter works fine for Ubuntu, but not on Windows on three different computers. I have also noticed that it shows the error on the project tab, and not on the file tab.


Arcanemagus commented 8 years ago

@manucorporat I don't see anything obvious wrong with your regex that parses the output, but you might be running into an issue with your arguments to the linter. editor.getPath() returns the full path to the current file, and then it seems you are trying to get the folder path of that file path here, then passing both the folder and the full path as arguments to the linter.

You should probably just use path.dirname(file) as it gets the directory path in a platform agnostic way for you.

manucorporat commented 8 years ago

@Arcanemagus yes! you are probably right! I wrote this plugin mainly for personal usage and since I am using OS X, I didn't care too much about Window users.

I will try to fix this by tomorrow morning with your path.dirname(file) idea.

ping @matheusericsm

manucorporat commented 8 years ago

@matheusericsm @Arcanemagus should be fixed in the latest release!

matheusericsm commented 8 years ago

Just installed the latest release 0.6.0 and the error is still happening the same way :. again on three different PCs. I love your linter! I am not using it on ubuntu anymore (it works perfectly on ubuntu) because of some softwares that are only available on windows

@manucorporat @Arcanemagus

patstew commented 8 years ago

The regex catches the : in the path (which starts e.g. C: on windows). The following regex: regex = /((?:[A-Z]:)?[^:]+):([^:]+):(.+)/ fixes it for me on windows, and I think it should be ok on other platforms (untested).

matheusericsm commented 8 years ago

That worked for me too! @patstew