manucorporat / linter-verilog

Atom linter for Verilog, using icarus verilog.
MIT License
9 stars 7 forks source link

Config option for setting the path where iverilog can be found would be handy #7

Open jh3141 opened 6 years ago

jh3141 commented 6 years ago

As not everybody has every package in their system installed on their search path, having an option to specify an explicit path for the iverilog executable would be useful.

abunimeh commented 6 years ago


a2k-hanlon commented 3 years ago

Hello @jh3141,

Thank you for the suggestion! linter-verilog no longer seems to be maintained, but I have put together a new package based on it that does include the feature you have suggested. If you give it a try, please let me know if you have other feature suggestions!