manuel-rw / jellyfin-discord-music-bot

A simple and leightweight Discord Bot, that integrates with your Jellyfin Media server and enables you to listen to your favourite music directly from discord.
MIT License
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[BUG REPORT] Albums, Playlists and other multi track commands cause the bot to play the list backwards #307

Open 7eventy7 opened 3 weeks ago

7eventy7 commented 3 weeks ago

When using multi-track commands such as Albums, Playlists, and other similar features, the bot unexpectedly plays the tracks in reverse order. This issue affects the sequence of playback, causing the first track to be played last and the last track to be played first, resulting in an incorrect listening experience. Steps to Reproduce:

Issue a command to play an Album or Playlist.
Observe the order in which the tracks are played.
Notice that the tracks are played in the reverse order from what is expected.

Expected Behavior:

The bot should play the tracks in the correct order as listed in the Album or Playlist. Actual Behavior:

The bot plays the tracks in reverse order. Environment:

Bot Version: Latest
Platform: Docker Desktop
Operating System: Windows 11

Additional Information:

This issue occurs consistently with all multi-track commands.
Single track commands are not affected and play correctly.