manuel-rw / jellyfin-discord-music-bot

A simple and leightweight Discord Bot, that integrates with your Jellyfin Media server and enables you to listen to your favourite music directly from discord.
MIT License
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[FEATURE REQUEST] /playnext command #318

Closed 7eventy7 closed 1 week ago

7eventy7 commented 1 week ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I'm always frustrated when I want to add a song, album, or playlist to my current playlist, but it automatically gets added to the end instead of playing next. This disrupts the flow of my listening experience, especially when I want to hear something immediately after the current track.

Describe the solution you'd like I would like a command, /playnext, that allows me to add a selected song, album, or playlist to play next in the current playlist. This command should insert the selected item immediately after the currently playing track, ensuring it plays next.

Describe alternatives you've considered The only alternative is manually rearranging the playlist after adding new items, which is cumbersome and not efficient, especially for long playlists.

Additional context Implementing this feature would greatly enhance the user experience by providing more control over the playlist order and allowing for spontaneous listening choices without disrupting the current queue structure.