manuel-rw / jellyfin-discord-music-bot

A simple and leightweight Discord Bot, that integrates with your Jellyfin Media server and enables you to listen to your favourite music directly from discord.
MIT License
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[FEATURE REQUEST] /shuffle command #319

Open 7eventy7 opened 1 week ago

7eventy7 commented 1 week ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I'm always frustrated when I want to randomize the order of my current playlist but have no option to do so. This makes it difficult to enjoy a fresh listening experience with the same set of songs.

Describe the solution you'd like I would like a command, /shuffle, that randomizes the order of the current playlist. This command should rearrange the tracks in a random sequence, providing a new listening experience without changing the playlist content.

Describe alternatives you've considered The only alternative is manually rearranging the playlist, which is time-consuming and not practical, especially for long playlists.

Additional context Implementing this feature would enhance the user experience by allowing for easy playlist shuffling, making the listening experience more dynamic and enjoyable.