manuel-serrano / bigloo

a practical Scheme compiler
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syntax-rules fix: alter get-syntax-expander to use hygiene-value* instead of hygien-value #91

Closed donaldsonjw closed 1 year ago

donaldsonjw commented 1 year ago

hygien-value strips of all copies of hygiene-mark before returning the residual id. hygiene-value only replaces hygiene-value in get-syntax-expander. Other occurrences still usy hygiene-value which only strips of the first hygiene-mark prefix. This is necessary to maintain macro hygiene. With this change, we are able to properly expand the CPS syntax-rules macros used in SRFI-42

manuel-serrano commented 1 year ago

Your new version is probably safer. Thanks a lot. I don't have the time to investigate it very deeply so I propose that we merge it and test it in the coming weeks. We do have time before the next release.