This is the first implementation of a webserver as a GUI.
It still uses fake dbs for the time being. It also isn't completely functional (as the script for visualization isn't really available per mpc).
this is why i put all in /playground for testing purposes and will transfer it into the final destination later.
What is in there:
For each class (for the time being: MPC and Node), I created a Database Class to separate DB Logic from the procedural logic
I created a static html and scripts.js for the logic
One has two pages: one for nodes, one for MPCs. Button is there to switch between them.
One can fetch the mpcs and remove them (later i will be able to retrigger reading the .fem file and so on)
This is the first implementation of a webserver as a GUI. It still uses fake dbs for the time being. It also isn't completely functional (as the script for visualization isn't really available per mpc).
this is why i put all in /playground for testing purposes and will transfer it into the final destination later.
What is in there: