manuelVo / foundryvtt-drag-ruler

A Foundry VTT module that shows a ruler when dragging tokens so you can see how far you've dragged them
MIT License
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[Feature Request] Walk Multiplier for Generic Speed Provider. #257

Open Grandsome opened 1 year ago

Grandsome commented 1 year ago

Add another field in the Speed Provider Menu for adding a Walking Multiplier. Also speaking of multipliers, it would be great if the GM could set the multipliers per scene, so that World Map scene have their own multipliers different from the normal scale scenes.

manuelVo commented 1 year ago

Please elaborate a bit on what effects this walking multiplier would have and what problem it would solve.

The same goes for the per-scene multipliers. I'm having difficulties imagining a scenario where player characters would be able to move at different speeds on different scenes. Please give an example where such a feature would be helpful.

Grandsome commented 1 year ago

For example, with the World of Darkness 20th system walk, jog and run are three different multipliers of the Dexterity attribute which is can typically take a value between 1 and 5. Each points in an attribute also represents how many dice the player can throw for a check. With the Generic Speed Provider a character with 1 Dex green movement is only on their square, basically representing that they can only dash, if the GM wants every character to be able to at least be able to move 1 square from their position, they have to give that character a free dex point. This could be fixed either with an offset option or a multiplier to give the GM flexibility for representing character walking ranges.

As for per scene multiplier, if in a normal scene a square represents say 2 meters, in a World Map scene it can represent 20, 30 or 50 meters, if I want to represent different character ranges on the World Map scene, I can either go to the options and change the dashing multiplier or change the units, but there's a huge gap between 1m and 1km, I could make the unit "x 10m" but then my players have to do (even more) maths which is not ideal. Also changing the units messes up the lighting system.

manuelVo commented 1 year ago

This use case appears to be complex enough to warrant a system specific game system integration. It can be implemented fairly easily via Drag Ruler's API either by the game system directly or by a third-party module.