manuelbl / SwissQRBill.NET

.NET library for Swiss QR bill payment slips (aka QR-Rechnung)
MIT License
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Swico invoice information - format of invoice date #24

Closed mikehachen closed 4 years ago

mikehachen commented 4 years ago

Hi there According to the syntax definition version 1.2) dates have to be formatted like yymmdd (year, month, day). In practice I found quite a lot of invoices with dates formatted like yymmddhhmmss (year, month, day, hour, minute, second). I could create a pull request so that both formats are accepted and parsed correctly. But before I do the work, I wanted to ask if such a pull request would be accepted at all.

BTW: Thank you for the great library! Michael

manuelbl commented 4 years ago

The goal of the library is to be rather tolerant when processing input. So allowing several date formats make sense.

Therefore I'd gladly accept a PR.