manuelbl / SwissQRBill.NET

.NET library for Swiss QR bill payment slips (aka QR-Rechnung)
MIT License
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Remove dependency on formattable string #41

Closed ststeiger closed 2 years ago

ststeiger commented 2 years ago

Remove dependency on formattable string. That way, it can be backported to .NET 4.0 - for ReportServer usage.

manuelbl commented 2 years ago

Did you really intend to submit a PR deleting more than 100 files and massively changing the project?

If you small changes will make your life with ReportServer easier, I'm happy to consider them. If so, please start over with a fresh PR. This PR will not be merged.

ststeiger commented 2 years ago

No, I actually submitted a pull request on 1 file. Apparently, it then just takes the latest commit, if you make further commits. Closing this crap. Making another copy and resubmit later. Great crap, can't do that either, it won't make another copy.

ststeiger commented 2 years ago

Maybe you could just go to Core/PDF/ContentStream.cs and remove using static System.FormattableString; And replace _contentWriter.Write(Invariant($"{val:0.###} ")); with _contentWriter.Write(string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, $"{val:0.###} "));

That would already be all.

manuelbl commented 2 years ago

Yes, I can do that.

Regarding the PR: The concept is that your branch is container for the code changes of the PR. So if more changes are needed for the PR, you would commit them to this branch (or could give others the permission to commit). But it also means you cannot continue working on the branch for other purposes.

ststeiger commented 2 years ago

OK great, thank you, and sorry for that botched PR. Also many thanks for the SwissQRBill.NET project, it's nice ! I'll probably move my alterations to another repo.