manuelbl / ttn-esp32

The Things Network device library for ESP32 (ESP-IDF) and SX127x based devices
MIT License
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send receive issue #21

Closed ghost closed 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

Hi, thank you for this great library. I have a problem. I am using two TTGO v1 boards without the display. They can communicate with each other i tried with the arduino-LoRa library. I configured the parameters and uploaded the send_recv example but they are stuck at the Joining loop.

Joining... I (402) ttn: event EV_JOINING I (8292) ttn: event EV_TXSTART I (13342) ttn: event EV_RXSTART I (14342) ttn: event EV_RXSTART I (14582) ttn: event EV_JOIN_TXCOMPLETE

I tried to send and receive with one board (Arduino) and the second with the send_recv example (IDF) but no message received.

I am using IDF 4.0. Do i need a real connection to the TTN network ? Can i send messages between boards without connecting to the TTN network ?

Thank you for taking me into consideration.

manuelbl commented 4 years ago

This library implements the TheThingsNetwork / LoraWAN protocol, i.e. a protocol where devices talk to gateways and gateways to application servers. So it requires a TTN registration and application server software. It's not suitable for device to device communication.

ghost commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much for your response. Your library is the only one i found which works with IDF 4. Do you know any library which works with IDF 4 and can be used for device to device communication ?

manuelbl commented 4 years ago

I don't know about any suitable library for IDF. But my overview is limited. So it might exist.

ghost commented 4 years ago

Thank you.