manuelbl / ttn-esp32

The Things Network device library for ESP32 (ESP-IDF) and SX127x based devices
MIT License
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Linkcheck #62

Open DylanGWork opened 1 year ago

DylanGWork commented 1 year ago


We have been running lorawan compliance tests on the FW and I've followed the advise given in this slide:

It was still vague in what was required but iterative testing has gotten us through most of it.

The key issue will be the Linkcheck requirements.

Looking at the main LMIC library it appears there isn't the API/function for a linkcheck call. However there are some people talking/using the in-built compliance testing, I'm not sure how to activate that to test it?

So, two questions:

  1. Is there a way to manually request a linkcheck? Or even a guiding start on how I might.
  2. How do I start/use the in-built compliance functionality.
manuelbl commented 1 year ago

I haven't dealt with compliance tests yet. And I can't guarantee that it works with LMIC. But the basic code seems to be in place.

From the comments at it would seem that only minor modifications are needed to activate it.

Likely, a minor modification is needed at It would probably look like this:

void message_received_callback(void *user_data, uint8_t port, const uint8_t *message, size_t message_size)
    if (LMIC_complianceRxMessage(port, message, message_size) == LMIC_COMPLIANCE_RX_ACTION_PROCESS) {
        ttn_lmic_event_t result = {
            .event = TTN_EVENT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED, .port = port, .message = message, .message_size = message_size};
        xQueueSend(lmic_event_queue, &result, pdMS_TO_TICKS(100));

Why don't you give it a try?

DylanGWork commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the quick reply.

Looks like it works but is having an issue with the power cycle potentially.

After the downlink activates test mode I put the device to sleep (just how it runs currently, if I need to change that for test mode I will) using the function ttn_prepare_for_deep_sleep(); .

When it wakes back up I get: Transmission failed.

Let me know if there is anything else you think I should try, I'll be trying a few things over the next few days.

DylanGWork commented 1 year ago

I just wrapped a while loop around the transmission process and it's started working (not an ideal approach, just wanted to see if it would work), a few notes:

I've finally got around to forking your repo properly, if I get things fixed I can attempt to do a pull request for the changes if you'd like and join the ranks of contributor.

DylanGWork commented 1 year ago

I appear to have things working yet we are having trouble with a Redwoodcomms compliance tester, unfortunately i don't have access to the compliance tester so I'm not able to diagnose easily.

I have:

Problem still occurring is:

I can likely figure out the evJoinCommand issue myself this week but it would be great to know where is the most appropriate place to allow for a 5 second delay before re-transmission so that the other rx windows are available for the compliance testing (as far as I believe). Cheers, Dylan

manuelbl commented 1 year ago

Hi Dylan

Several things you mention are probably better discussed with the Terry Moore on mcci-catena/arduino-lmic. He's far more knowledgeable about both the relevant code and compliance testing.

I don't really understand why you added a transmission loop, are calling LMIC_reset(), are looking for a 5 second delay etc. But it sounds as if they are workarounds for an deeper problem, which is not fully understood yet.

You have mentioned ttn_prepare_for_deep_sleep(). So you are using the deep sleep or power off feature of this library. If so, one of the missing pieces might be that the compliance state is not saved and restored.

Does compliance testing work without deep sleep / power off? If not, I would propose to first work on getting it to pass without deep sleep, and then focus on the deep sleep after that. I can then support you with the deep sleep feature. But when i comes to the inner details of the LMIC library and in particular the compliance testing requirements, my knowledge is quite limited.

DylanGWork commented 1 year ago

Ok sounds good, I'll head on over there to see what they say.

I prevent using the ttn_prepare_for_deep_sleep() when entering compliance until we exit compliance mode, so it occurs without deep sleep.

DylanGWork commented 12 months ago

Hi, I was able to pass most of the compliance testing when used this library without going into deepsleep.

I have a work around for now which seems to be working well enough to get me past most of the compliance testing. Will post results here if you'd like.