manuelluis / jsrrdgraph

javascript rrdgraph
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Rendering issues with latest chrome version 36.0.1985.143 #18

Closed ezanolin closed 9 years ago

ezanolin commented 9 years ago

Unknown and infinity values now seem to render as actual data in chrome 36.0.1985.143. Have code in 3 different places that just suddenly started rendering weird. Renders fine in Safari and used to render fine in Chrome (I strongly suspect the latest update has caused an issue), I have attached a screen shot of the 2 outputs in chrome and safari of the exact same page/data/timespan, the sample graph has only been collecting data for a few days, the safari render is 100% correct. FYI: I am using the SVG renderer and I am using Chrome on OSX. (have not had the possibility to test on PC yet)

Safari 7.0.6 (9537.78.2) screen shot 2014-08-21 at 9 48 39 am

Chrome 36.0.1985.143 screen shot 2014-08-21 at 9 48 50 am

Lekensteyn commented 9 years ago

Can you try to bisect this?

git bisect start <broken version> <working version>

When you identify a functional commit, use git bisect good, otherwise use git bisect bad. If it does not run at all ("compile error", but in JS more like a syntax error), use git bisect skip. Continue until you have no more commits left.

ezanolin commented 9 years ago

I don't know how this will help, the issue was introduced with an update to Chrome not to jsrrdgraph. Everything was working fine and then one day (after a chrome autoupdate) it stopped working properly. This is not the first time I have had this issue with Chrome, they recently forced security on webservices that prevented cross domain requests and that broke my application. Had to rework my code and services to make it work again I think something similar is going on here. They have changed some default behaviour in javascript and its breaking jsrrdgraph.

Under the new version of Chrome NaN values seem to return as actual very large negative values (think integer overflow here).

ezanolin commented 9 years ago

Thankfully the issue seems to have been resolved in todays released version of chrome 37.0.2062.94. The folks at google seem to have realised and fixed their mistake.

Many thanks.