manusa / mnIMAPSync

Java IMAP email syncing tool
Apache License 2.0
37 stars 13 forks source link

Question about the stats #41

Open jessec opened 1 year ago

jessec commented 1 year ago

I got this stat:

Indexed (target): 8187/8265 Copied: 0/8226 Deleted: 0/0 Speed: 391.71 m/s

Do you know why this number 8187/8265 is not 8265/8265. It seems some emails are not synced any idea?

manusa commented 1 year ago

Hi @jessec,

It's been while since I've worked on the project or even used it.

As far as I remember, this usually happens when you've got spammy messages in your inbox. These messages usually won't have a subject, maybe don't have a date or an invalid date, no recipient or sender, and so on. So in case of mnIMAPSync, their indexing key will mark them as duplicate despite them being available on the origin server. It can also happen if the origin server lists the same message multiple times (in the same folder). This was one of the reasons I originally implemented mnIMAPSync. It happened that I ran the same tool multiple times and these kind of messages where being duplicated for each execution, meaning that if the process was ran nightly by the end of the week you'd had ((8265-8187)x7=546) redundant messages.