manwar / Crypt-Image

Interface to hide text into an image.
Artistic License 2.0
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Smoke tests for Crypt::Image module based on sparrow crypt-image-smoke plugin #1

Closed melezhik closed 6 years ago

melezhik commented 7 years ago

Hi Mohammad! This is simple smoke tests for your Crypt::Image module, example Travis job is here -

There are actually 2 tests here but made in sparrow ( black box testing ) manner:

  1. create a crypted image file and then decrypt it and check if we get required string in ( /modules/decrypt case )
  2. create a crypted image file and check if it differ from original by issuing diff command

The source code of crypt-image-smoke sparrow plugin could be found here - , actually it is very simple to understand ( just a couple of bash scripts )