manwar / theweeklychallenge

The Weekly Challenge - Perl & Raku. You do not have to be an expert.
Artistic License 2.0
11 stars 18 forks source link

Create styles.css #171

Closed Samtoosoon closed 3 months ago

Samtoosoon commented 3 months ago

Current Week's Contributors: This section will show a list of people who contributed something during the current week. It starts empty and gets filled with names later.

Contributor Counts: This part displays how many people contributed regularly and how many were guests this week. These numbers update automatically.

New Member Requests: If someone wants to join, their request will show up here. It's empty at first and gets filled as requests come in.

New Comments: This section shows any new comments that people leave. It's empty initially and fills up as new comments are posted.

Add Contributions Form: This is a form where users can write something and submit it to contribute. You type in the box, click the submit button, and it sends your contribution.

Script: This is where the code lives that makes everything work behind the scenes. It handles updating lists, counting contributors, showing member requests, displaying comments, and handling submissions.

I have written frontend code for the same including these features.

weekly challenge

manwar commented 3 months ago

@Samtoosoon This is not the repository for the project. Please checkout this one instead.

manwar commented 3 months ago

@Samtoosoon wrong repository, therefore closing it.