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I don't like the inconsistency of the specs now #6

Closed manxan closed 11 years ago

manxan commented 11 years ago

I don't like the inconsistency of the specs now. Mid is a tank/Mdps while Fourtoes is a Tank/Cat. It's true... but ... well... I don't know..

manxan commented 11 years ago

Solution: Change "cat" to dps/ melee ranged etc in a structured manner. note there is also a default value in ghostlands.js

apokryfos commented 11 years ago

Changed the values of "spec" to numbers corresponding to an internal array in the javascript.

manxan commented 11 years ago

A number will be very difficult to maintain, especially when adding new players. I want the list to be simple to be edited by a non programmer.

I want to put out the information about what roles the players take in the raid team (it is not interesting if someone have a OS but don't want to play it nor have the gear for it)

I opt for the solution with Default value "dps" used unless spec: is set to a freetext value. We could use better defined strings if that would add structure

Spec data from armory could be pretended as "Holy/Discipline" priest or something like that....

manxan commented 11 years ago

Solved in 6d211a4444458519f3102cf9237402295e0c3c6f