manyoso / allie

Allie: A UCI compliant chess engine
GNU General Public License v3.0
104 stars 21 forks source link

Trade Penalty #1

Open jjoshua2 opened 5 years ago

jjoshua2 commented 5 years ago

Need depth... I saw a piececount in bitboard.

Having a if winning/losing check would be good. We don't want to apply penalty if we're behind more than 100cp I think. But when you are black against a weak opponent you still want it...

if q < 0.7 && q > 0.3
manyoso commented 5 years ago

I think this should be done in Node::setQValueFromRaw by modifying the stored m_qValue for non-exact nodes.

Also, you can get m_game.activeArmy() to determine which side the node is on. Also, you can use m_game.lastMove().isCapture() instead of bitboard.

Awesome work, thanks!