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Edit Manifest in AAB #116

Open timscriptov opened 2 weeks ago

timscriptov commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, how edit Manifest?

  1. Patched manifest in AAB
  2. AAB to APK

AndroidManifest.xml broken


maoabc commented 2 weeks ago

The AndroidManifest.xml in .aab is a proto file, not an axml file. It is defined using .proto file. You can see the editAndroidManifest method in ProtoUtils.

timscriptov commented 2 weeks ago

I'll use your example

maoabc commented 2 weeks ago

Try using setAttribute(attrIdx, newAttr),maybe the attribute index cannot be changed。

timscriptov commented 2 weeks ago


Very strange. Patched successfully, but new unknown data was added