maoberlehner / vue-lazy-hydration

Lazy Hydration of Server-Side Rendered Vue.js Components
MIT License
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Using dynamic components #29

Closed xelyos94ro closed 4 years ago

xelyos94ro commented 4 years ago

Hello, It is possible to use with dynamic components?

I have this vue component (available on pages in nuxt folder structure):

and in template tag




I want to set when-idle for the first component and when-visible for the others (i think is better in this way), but i don't know how can i do that. If i choose to use <LazyHydrate when-visible> and `<component :is="component .name" :key="component .name" slot-scope="{ hydrated }" v-if="hydrated"

` I get error: Failed to execute 'observe' on 'IntersectionObserver': parameter 1 is not of type 'Element'