maoberlehner / vue-lazy-hydration

Lazy Hydration of Server-Side Rendered Vue.js Components
MIT License
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Why components always hydrated on initial time (NuxtJS) #64

Closed sakandemir06 closed 3 years ago

sakandemir06 commented 3 years ago
<LazyHydrate :trigger-hydration="false" v-slot="{hydrated}">
            Hi there! {{hydrated}}

In this case, "hydrated" always returns true, but I need add condition for hydrating. Previously, it was working properly in my project. What is the problem?

maoberlehner commented 3 years ago

Because the code is always hydrated on the server. There are always two cycles with SSR and Nuxt:

  1. The server runs the code; the components are always hydrated; Hi there! true is rendered.
  2. The client runs the code; the components are not hydrated; Hi there! true which is already there from SSR, stays untouched, because it's the point of this package to not re-render SSR HTML.

So hydrated is false on the client and Hi there! true is shown because it was rendered on the server.

sakandemir06 commented 3 years ago

Because the code is always hydrated on the server. There are always two cycles with SSR and Nuxt:

  1. The server runs the code; the components are always hydrated; Hi there! true is rendered.
  2. The client runs the code; the components are not hydrated; Hi there! true which is already there from SSR, stays untouched, because it's the point of this package to not re-render SSR HTML.

So hydrated is false on the client and Hi there! true is shown because it was rendered on the server.

Thank you