maocypher / Octoprint-Smart-Filament-Sensor

OctoPrint plugin that lets integrate Smart Filament Sensors like BigTreeTechs SmartFilamentSensor directly to RaspberryPi GPIO pins.
GNU General Public License v3.0
13 stars 20 forks source link

Request option to turn off/on from front page without having to go into the plugin #57

Open Vantiveman opened 2 years ago

Vantiveman commented 2 years ago

I have the sensor set up so that it works very well for prints running at a reasonable speed. However, I often get detections triggering when I have a small print that runs the first layer slowly. I don't want to go into the plugin settings to enable/disable the plugin depending on the speed of my first layer so is it possible to have an "Enable" and "Disable" option from the front page where the plugin reports the mode and detection time etc. Also, maybe a fault, but I have found that if a print job has a stopped filament detection it seems to no longer work for the remainder of that print, even though the detection times are incrementing. Thank you, Al