maocypher / Octoprint-Smart-Filament-Sensor

OctoPrint plugin that lets integrate Smart Filament Sensors like BigTreeTechs SmartFilamentSensor directly to RaspberryPi GPIO pins.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Remaining Distance in plug in higher than in the settings AND it doesn't reliably detect that the filament is out. #62

Open chschmit opened 2 years ago

chschmit commented 2 years ago

I've set the detection distance to 25mm, but I'll see the live remaining distance will routinely spike to 30mm and will never get to zero even when the filament leaves the sensor. I've changed the distance from 7mm to 50mm and the behavior is the always spikes higher than the set distance. Setting it from 7mm to 12mm, it will almost always give a 'false' filament out detection within the first layer of the print. Clearly too low of a setting.

I've re-routed my wires to be away from the metal parts of the printer, and rebooted the RaspPi without any change in behavior.

Any suggestions? Is this the plug-in's problem? Do I have a bad sensor?

I'm plugged into pin 1(power), 9 (ground) and 13 (signal).

bj97301 commented 2 years ago


GIGN1987 commented 2 years ago

i have a same problem, i buy a new sensor three months ago becouse i think there is hardware problem but nothing change. distance detection is set to 28mm, board mode gpio signal pin is number 3. thanks for any solution