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Cryptographically Secure Delegated Signing Authority for Validators #18

Open blueslurpee opened 2 years ago

blueslurpee commented 2 years ago

Hey Guys,

Hope everyone has been having a nice holiday season.

I believe I have a solution for the delegated signing problem which involves encrypting a delegated signing key, and storing it on chain.

I am working on a proof of concept and hope to be able to demonstrate it in the next few days. A few different libraries need to be tied together to make it work, unfortunately they all implement the encryption differently.


blueslurpee commented 2 years ago

Using Metamask we can retrieve the encryption public key of the user:

requestEncryptionKey = async (address: string) => {
        return await ethereum.request({
            method: 'eth_getEncryptionPublicKey',
            params: [address],

Once we have the encrpytion public key, we can then encrypt messages with the help of the eth-sig-util library.

Notice we are encrypting a randomly generated private signing key. (The "signer key")

const sigUtil = require("eth-sig-util");

encryptMessage = async (address: string) => {
        const encryptionPublicKey =  await this.requestEncryptionKey(address)
        const signerKey = ethers.Wallet.createRandom().privateKey

        const cipherText = ethUtil.bufferToHex(
                { data: signerKey },

        return [cipherText, address]

The cipher text is returned. According to what I have read so far, this encrypted cipher text can only be successfully decrypted by the holder of the encryption public key. So it is thus safe to store on-chain, which is our only truly persistent storage.

Afterwards, the user can query the chain and then decrypt the signer key via:

    decryptMessage = async (cipherText: string, address: string) => {
        return await ethereum.request({
            method: 'eth_decrypt',
            params: [cipherText, address],

Then the use can use this signer key to sign matching transactions. We will build a seamless user flow to incorporate the various elements. (i.e. the user will need to periodically send the signer key wallet ether to pay gas).

I made some good progress and I believe this is the best way to move forward with a cryptographically secure implementation of the problem. There are still lots of implementation details that need to be ironed out. @tejareddy8888 Perhaps you could prepare our contracts to incorporate this?

@Sinaniya @Ankan0011 @tejareddy8888

I will turn my attention to the history problem using the Graph protocol. Expect another issue on that in the next few days.

Hope you guys had a wonderful holiday.

tejareddy8888 commented 2 years ago

@blueslurpee ,

I am okay with this implementation and I can think of what changes does the contract need to adapt to this.

Just to give a gist, I also had a different Idea of doing this via using Gelato( for automated transaction execution with polywrap resolver. Where we can automate/ schedule the smart contract function and where the automated call queries the data using the polywrap resolver with the HTTP plugin in it.

Regarding the Graph Protocol, I have already built a subgraph on multiple Contracts earlier, I have a good idea about it.

The graph protocol's testnet for decentralized approach is in Rinkeby only which is a limitation. So, we can stick to a centralized approach here for two reasons. First, the data we are handling here is publicly viewable and it's immutable, just that we are viewing in a queriable way. Second, Centralized Approach is quite fast and we don't need any GRT tokens or being any network participant in the graph Protocol. have a look at this Blockchain ETL approach

Happy New Year and hope you had a great vacation.

blueslurpee commented 2 years ago

Thanks will look into both of these.