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Entrance ramp #35 A67 Netherlands #17

Closed SeniorPeer closed 8 years ago

SeniorPeer commented 8 years ago

Approx half a year ago the entrance ramp #35 Someren of the highway A67 been extended to the east (direction Venlo). Next to the existing bridge a new one has been constructed and the entrance ramp now is about 300m longer.

justb4 commented 8 years ago

This is not a map5/opentopo issue but an OpenStreetMap issue where the mapping data is maintained. You can change the data in OpenStreetMap and/or notify them via . Your changes will then be present in the next 2016 release of OpenTopo in

justb4 commented 8 years ago


Ik zag dat Google deze afrit bij Someren al heeft aangepast, en op OpenStreetMap nog niemand, dus ik heb 'm maar even ingetekend. Kleine moeite.

Met hartelijke groet,

Jan-Willem van Aalst