// - deals with csv files as produced directly fron DNC spreadsheet
// - ie expects non blank header row
// - makes use of info in 3rd column for geoextent, theme and scale
// - accented characters now displayed correctly in drop downs on form
(no need to avoid in DNC)
// - restricts choice of theme to be consistent with selected category
// - fields widened to accomodate longest descriptions in DNC (eg source
ASTER) - consistent with use of Consolas font at 8.25
// - now caters for long descriptions that contain commas (instead of
truncating at the first comma)
// - automatically recognises geometry type of shapefile
// - mono width font used for dropdowns (Consolas - hope it's generally
available!) - makes for neater line up of 3rd column
// - version of tool now in form title
// - version of DNC used to generate clause values and descriptions now
at bottom of form if 99_DNCmetadata.csv present
// - deals with csv files as produced directly fron DNC spreadsheet // - ie expects non blank header row // - makes use of info in 3rd column for geoextent, theme and scale // - accented characters now displayed correctly in drop downs on form (no need to avoid in DNC) // - restricts choice of theme to be consistent with selected category // - fields widened to accomodate longest descriptions in DNC (eg source ASTER) - consistent with use of Consolas font at 8.25 // - now caters for long descriptions that contain commas (instead of truncating at the first comma) // - automatically recognises geometry type of shapefile // - mono width font used for dropdowns (Consolas - hope it's generally available!) - makes for neater line up of 3rd column // - version of tool now in form title // - version of DNC used to generate clause values and descriptions now at bottom of form if 99_DNCmetadata.csv present