Closed AltNico closed 7 years ago
I am Mikolai Gütschow and I'm currently working voluntarily on making schedules of public transport in Nicaragua more accessible. Therefore I found your website some time ago and it already helped me a lot. Thank you for your work!
However, there are some initiatives around OpenStreetMap and free software bringing schedules to mobile devices. One example is Transportr, an app for Android, which is fully free and open source and continuously developed by a community and filled with data. For more information, see their website at
As you already have a lot of data about public transport in Latin America, I'm wondering whether you would like to make your data publicly accessible for others to use them for projects like the mentioned, too.
Thanks a lot
Mikolai Gütschow
@mikolaiguetschow ¿Ya recibiste una repuesta? Si no, pienso que podemos cerrar ese issue.
Lastimosamente no, y tampoco ya no espero recibir una 🙈
Para preguntar el formato de los horarios (base de datos u otro) y la disponibilidad para compartir los datos con nosotros.
Nota: En este sitio web se encuentran horarios de buses, trenes y barcos de gran parte de Latinoamérica.