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iOS 8: center coordinate not in the middle #678

Closed awedeebawe closed 8 years ago

awedeebawe commented 8 years ago

I have a RMMapView inside of an UIView and to position it, I set constraints to "stick" the map to the edges of the superview. When I try the app on iOS 7.1, the center is slightly lower than it should be. When I try with iOS 8, the result is even worse: the center is right of where it should be, almost next to the view right edge. I use swift 2.0 + binary setup (I don't use CocoaPods), bitcode is disabled, all my subviews are positioned via constraints. Am I missing something?

awedeebawe commented 8 years ago

You can now close this issue. I found that the problem is caused by auto layout ( :)