mapbox / Hecate

Fast Geospatial Feature Storage API
MIT License
252 stars 36 forks source link

Web Feature Service Support (WFS) #144

Closed ingalls closed 4 years ago

ingalls commented 5 years ago


Add basic preliminary support for portions of the WFS 2.0.0 spec as defined here:


cc/ @ingalls

ingalls commented 5 years ago

I've done nothing to check actual validity of the service so far but as an MVP

screenshot from 2019-01-07 21-44-36

View WFS Layers

screenshot from 2019-01-07 21-42-42

Download Point Features Into QGIS Layer

ingalls commented 5 years ago

screenshot from 2019-01-07 23-28-48

Expanded to Point, LineString, & Polygon Support

ingalls commented 5 years ago

MultiPolygon geometries are now supported:

Screenshot from 2019-04-05 13-08-35

ingalls commented 4 years ago

This is being worked on here: