mapbox / MapboxStatic.swift

Static map snapshots with overlays in Swift or Objective-C on iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS
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[CFNetwork] Synchronous URL loading of should not occur on this application's main thread as it may lead to UI unresponsiveness. Please switch to an asynchronous networking API such as URLSession. #122

Open trunghvbk opened 1 year ago

trunghvbk commented 1 year ago

Xcode show the warning when I tried to access to Snapshot#image: [CFNetwork] Synchronous URL loading of should not occur on this application's main thread as it may lead to UI unresponsiveness. Please switch to an asynchronous networking API such as URLSession. The class emitted this warning is Snapshot Screenshot 2023-07-06 at 16 39 58

Please help to check. This is my sample code:

func takeSnapshot(mapView: MapView, passedLocations: [[CLLocation]]) -> UIImage? {
        var overlays = [Overlay]()
        overlays.append(contentsOf: markers.compactMap { marker in
            if let url = URL(string: marker.type.iconURL) {
                return CustomMarker(coordinate: marker.location.coordinate, url: url)
            return nil
        passedLocations.forEach { locations in
            let coordinates = { $0.coordinate }
            if coordinates.count >= 2 {
                let path = Path(
                    coordinates: coordinates
                path.strokeColor = UIColor(red: 0.376, green: 0.439, blue: 0.941, alpha: 1)
                path.strokeWidth = 3
                path.fillColor = .clear

        let center =
        let zoom = mapView.cameraState.zoom
        let snapshotCamera = SnapshotCamera(lookingAtCenter: center, zoomLevel: zoom > 20 ? 20 : zoom)

        if let styleURL = URL(string: StyleURI.streets.rawValue) {
            let options = SnapshotOptions(
                styleURL: styleURL,
                camera: snapshotCamera,
                size: mapView.bounds.size)

            options.overlays = overlays
            let snapshot = Snapshot(
                options: options,
                accessToken: MapBoxResource.accessToken
            return snapshot.image
        return nil