mapbox / carto

fast CSS-like map stylesheets
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text label not rendered for MultiPolygons #404

Closed franckl closed 8 years ago

franckl commented 8 years ago

Consider the following style :

mapnik2 {

polygon-fill: orange; polygon-opacity: 0.2; line-color: #FFF; line-width: 1; line-opacity: 1; }

mapnik2::labels {

text-name: [gt]; text-face-name: 'Open Sans Regular'; text-size: 14; text-label-position-tolerance: 10; text-fill: orange; text-halo-fill: #FFFFFF; text-halo-radius: 2; text-dy: 0; text-allow-overlap: true; text-placement: vertex; text-placement-type: dummy; text-spacing: 0; text-avoid-edges: true; text-min-distance:50; }

and the attached geoJSON

It renders improperly on tileMill and also on cartoDB platform, only the one polygon has labels : image

Does the issue come from Mapnik or from Carto ?

springmeyer commented 8 years ago

This is how mapnik works - more info at