mapbox / csv2geojson

magically convert csv files to geojson files
MIT License
362 stars 82 forks source link

missing files? #54

Open daanvr opened 7 years ago

daanvr commented 7 years ago

When I download a zip or use your demo the buttons do not do anything. It seems like there are some files missing. One possible missing file is: csv2geojson.js

I got it to work partially in the terminal but it only converted points, no lines and polygons.

tmcw commented 7 years ago

I've just removed the online demo - for use with a script tag or somewhere you can't use node or a bundler, see the readme instructions - there are builds on unpkg.

I got it to work partially in the terminal but it only converted points, no lines and polygons.

Please provide an example of input: I would need more details to debug that.