Here's a set of points that causes a test in tests.js to fail. Are collinear points a problem? I tried adding Math.random() to each point and this test still fails.
tape("delaunator: properly connected halfedges", function(t) {
let points = [[122,270],[181,121],[195,852],[204,694],[273,525],[280,355],[31,946],
var d = new Delaunator(points);
for (var i = 0; i < d.halfedges.length; i++) {
var i2 = d.halfedges[i];
if (i2 !== -1 && d.halfedges[i2] !== i) {'invalid halfedge connection');
t.pass('halfedges are valid');
Here's a set of points that causes a test in tests.js to fail. Are collinear points a problem? I tried adding
to each point and this test still fails.