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Copy shareable link #896

Open sancarn opened 2 weeks ago

sancarn commented 2 weeks ago

With small geojson layers the data can be included in the url as some base64-encoded string:

Alternatively could use jsonurl:,features:((type:Feature,properties:(),geometry:(coordinates:(-1.2837566865341898,52.28379455900057),type:Point)),(type:Feature,properties:(),geometry:(coordinates:(-1.2683407819406511,52.294581385849625),type:Point)),(type:Feature,properties:(),geometry:(coordinates:((-1.2542095373379993,52.294367102994386),(-1.2598774478782957,52.2833856277515),(-1.28054877449037,52.281313665728334),(-1.2797677603839475,52.27334754319267)),type:LineString))))

Or perhaps better still would be encoding as Proto Buffers as these will be significantly smaller urls

sancarn commented 2 weeks ago

Oops, I've just spotted this is already half implemented in the API section. Just a clickable "share" button would need adding to the UI